There are secrets to buying full color printing. It's no secret that we all want that professional full color look for our organization. Crisp full color photos and high end graphics just look better, right$%: But, how do you make sure you're getting the best price and the best quality$%: If you're planning to give your give your image a boost with full color printing, you need to know the secrets. I found them.
I discovered the 3 things that your printer does not want you to know about full color printing. Here's what I learned . . .
For starters, put your eCommerce thinking cap on. That's what I did. Ask yourself these quick questions: why does getting prices take so long - why am I always told to save more I need to order more - and why does full color printing seem so expensive$%:
Custom pieces:
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The answers are what your printer might not want you to know. But you need to know the secrets to get the most value form your full color printing orders. Here they are . . .
Secret #1 - You'll Pay More If You Order From Your Local Printing Company Rep!
Your local printing salespeople are great folks, No doubt. For years, they have been your connection to the print shop. Pricing, job status and new ideas have flowed through them to you. But that connection to the print shop was costly - to you!
Local printing salespeople get paid a commission based on what they sell - to you. Put that reps commission in your pocket! Price and order your full color printing online! There are excellent web sites that let you price, place and track you your order - online.
Here's the best part . . .
Those sites don't have sales reps. That means, they don't pay a commission on your orders. That's one reason, I have found, that you'll pay less if you order online!
Secret #2 - Ordering More Than You Need - Just To Lower The Price Of Each Piece - Often COSTS YOU MORE In The End!
"Buy in volume and save!" Ever heard this from your local printer$%: The long-held "buy in volume and save" mantra just isn't right. In fact, buying full color printing in bulk often only helps the printer keep his presses full!
What happens to the materials you don't use$%: What if your copy changes -and doesn't always seem to -within a few weeks or months of printing your pieces$%:
You're stuck with obsolete paper. You try to get by - sticking labels over old copy or drawing black marker lines all over the once gorgeous materials. Forget about it! Order what you need - that's how you save!
Digital full color printing makes it easy to order just the quantity that you need - when you need it - affordably. Give it try - order just what you need on your next project - track your results to see how much you really saved.
Secret #3 - Pricing Full Color Printing Jobs Does Not Take Days And Does Not Require Expert Estimators!
Really! Try out a good online printing company site. A "good" site will include easy to use tools for getting an instant online price! No faxes. No phone calls. No waiting for estimates from the print shop.
Plug In Your Specs Or Select From Material, Folding, Laminating Choices And Get An Accurate Instant Online Price. Hey, if I can do it - you can do it! I have priced out everything from simple full color business cards to tri-fold brochures - all online.
Now You're Ready To Save Time And Money On Your Next Full Color Printing Project.
You have the 3 big secrets. You're ready to get that professional full color look at the best cost - possible.
Just remember: you'll pay more if you order from your local printing company rep, ordering more than need just to lower the price of each piece only often costs you more in the end and pricing your full color printing jobs does not need to take days and does not require an expert estimator - other than you!